
Mardi Khola Small Hydro Power Project

Developer  :  Gandaki Hydro Power Development Company Pvt. Ltd
Project  :  Mardi Khola Small Hydro Power Project
Development Region  :  Western Development Region
District   : Kaski, Pokhara city
Located At  :  Rivan Vdc, and Lwangghalel VDC,  Machhapuchchhre Rural Municipality
Location of Power  :   Kaphalbot, Rivan VDC
Water Source  :  Mardi River
Type of Scheme  :  Run Of River
Access Road to Head pond  :  15 km from HemjaMilanchowk, Pokhara
Mean annual discharge  :  8.51m³/sec
Design Discharge   :  3.28m3/sec
Intake   : Inlet gate to head pond near cross regulator
Location  :  Barahthan, Luwangghalel
Forebay  :  RCC Closed Canal
Design WL at Forebay  :  1350.206m
RCC Closed  Canal  :  2000m
Penstock Type :   Mild Steel (1.1to 1.2m dia) pipe
Length of Penstock  :  1238.3m
Powerhouse  :    Surface RCC Structure
Tailrace   :  Rectangular RCC
Turbine    : 3 units
Generator    : SFW1600-12/1730 2000KVA AND 4000 KVA
Transformer  :  3 Phase, ONAN 2000 KVA AND 4000 KVA
Transmission     :  33kV, 5.5 km.
Interconnection Point  :  NEA 33kV, Modi Substation
Installed Capacity  :  4800kW
Gross Head   : 33.0 m
Deemed Energy   : 32.526GWh
PPA date :   3.1 MW was done on 2060/07/07 and 1.7 MW was done on 2068/10/15
Construction Started :    2065
CoD Date  :  3.1 MW was done on 2066/10/8 and 1.7 MW was done on 2070/07/07
Rate of PPA   : Rs 3.90 and Rs 5.52 For Wet season
Annual Revenue  :   Around 12 Crore
Wet season  :   Baishakh to Mangsir
Dry Season   : Poush to Chaitra
Cost of the Project with IDC  :  Around 90 Crore